As of, the platforms for which Cozy Grove has Achievements/Trophies are Steam, Apple Arcade, Xbox, and PlayStation.Achievements/Trophies related to the DLC are tied to earning the related merit badges, just like the base game's Achievements/Trophies.The badges involving meeting New Neighbears or doing things for New Neighbears specifically mean the 4 bears from this DLC meeting and helping bears from the base game doesn't count toward these particular badges.In particular, Party All Week will probably be the last badge you're able to start making progress on since you need to progress quite far in a new bear's storyline before you can party.Some of these badges you may be able to start on very quickly, but it may be a long time before you're able to make progress on some of the others.You might have to scroll the Badge window (the high-level one displaying the categories) down to see the new category. There's a special badge category containing all of the New Neighbears DLC badges.The new merit badges are displayed in the Badges screen as soon as merit badges are unlocked, which happens for most players on Day 1.You don't have to wait until all 4 original bears' storylines are complete before initiating the departure of the first bear you can do them one at a time as the various storylines are completed.Don't worry if you keep playing you'll eventually see your old friends again.After completing these bears' storylines, continue talking to these bears over the next few days and make sure to explore all of the dialogue options-one along the lines of "You look so peaceful" will initiate the eventual departure of the original bear and the arrival of its replacement. (Note that this can't happen until at least 70 calendar days have passed simply given the lengths of the original bears' storylines.) Specifically, they will replace Retiree Bear, Scaredy Bear, Sunflower Bear, and Wolf Bear. The 4 new bears will each take the place of another bear once you've gotten to the end of that bear's storyline.If you have a lot of potted flowers co-located, that's the first place I'd look for butterflies. Butterflies prefer to appear near clusters of potted flowers.Even if you only need to catch butterflies, consider catching the non-butterflies too so that more critters can spawn, some of which might be created as butterflies. There's a limit to how many critters can exist simultaneously.
#Cozy grove fall festival critters generator#
The random number generator may end up not choosing "butterfly" very often (or even at all) today, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there's a problem. Even in peak butterfly seasons, the chance that the game will choose "butterfly" for a particular critter is less than 20%. The game first decides to create a critter then randomly decides what type to make it.There won't be any butterflies from October through February, but don't worry-this is a long game and the butterfly months will come around eventually. Butterflies can appear from March through September, with lower appearance rates in March and September than in the months in between.Kit if you want to catch critters-this can be done on Day 1 if you make sufficient progress. Butterflies are seasonal critters so you'll have to unlock critters first-this can be done on Day 1 if you make sufficient progress-and be playing in an appropriate month.You'll receive access to the inside of your tent at some point early in the game-once you do, you can enter the tent and put the Rainbow Cat on the floor. Cats (including the Rainbow Cat) can only be placed inside your tent.You'll have to unlock your inbox at Postal Bear first-this can be done on Day 1 if you make sufficient progress. The clothing items and Rainbow Cat are obtained in the in-game mail.You have to unlock the closet first in order to see it-this can be done on Day 1 if you make sufficient progress. The extra closet space is automatically applied.